Showing in Arizona Biennial 2009, my fourth consecutive Arizona biennial

May 5th, 2009 | 3 Comments

I am pleased and proud to announce that I will be showing in Arizona Biennial 2009 at Tucson Museum of Art this summer (July 11 – September 26).

This will be the fourth time in a row in which I will be exhibiting in an Arizona Biennial. I also participated in the 2003, 2005 and 2007 biennials.

The painting I will be exhibiting in Arizona Biennial 2009 is Open System, shown below. It measures 60 inches square (152.4 x 152.4 cm) and was produced between February 8 and 20, 2009.

Arizona Biennial 2009

The Tucson Museum of Art describes the Arizona Biennial as follows:

This exhibition is structured to prompt dialogue about Arizona’s artistic strengths, trends, and the potential of Arizona art and artists. Not only does this exhibition highlight some of the most innovative art created in this state, but it showcases the subtle shifts in imagery, stylistic impulses, and conceptual foundations to reveal how Arizona’s artistic community participates in the broad dialogue of contemporary art.

The curator of Arizona Biennial 2009 is Tim Rodgers, chief curator at the New Mexico Museum of Art.

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3 Responses to “Showing in Arizona Biennial 2009, my fourth consecutive Arizona biennial”

  1. Sir Oliver the First says:

    Im BEYOND proud! Congratulations Grant. Four times in a row!!!! I expect to see some kind of a trophy or medal or something…

  2. Mark Simmons says:


    Congrats, Grant. We will make there for your 15th annual showing. 🙂

  3. Cheers, Mark … You know, it almost feels like my 15th annual showing. Thanks, man!

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