New painting: Invisible Star

March 3rd, 2009 | 6 Comments

While I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog as of late, I’m making up the awkward paucity of posts by pumping out new work. I’ve been motoring away at new paintings lately; I have produced two larger-scale works in the space of three weeks.

Fresh off the easel, below is one of these new paintings, which I finished this evening. The new piece is titled Invisible Star. It measures 32 inches high by 66 inches wide, and is acrylic on canvas. I’ll post a better photo of it when time allows. Gotta split … there’s so much to do!

New Painting: Invisible Star
New painting: Invisible Star

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6 Responses to “New painting: Invisible Star”

  1. Aimee says:


  2. Matthew says:

    Very nice piece. I look forward to seeing the others.

  3. Carol Cooper says:

    WOW! big is beautiful! Love it! I think it would display great as a vertical also! Keep ’em coming!

  4. @ Aimee, Matthew, and Carol: Thank you so very much. I’m glad you dig the painting. When I get a moment and some sunlight I’ll take a better pic.

    Thanks again!


  5. Patrick K says:

    This one is pretty intense.

  6. Jem N' Tonic says:

    I just found the link to your page I had saved a year ago in my email. I’m glad I did as well. My art was inspired by yours the first time I saw it and, I’m being even more inspired now.

    Great job! Keep it up!

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